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template <class charT, class traits, class UIntType, size_t w, size_t n, size_t m, size_t r, UIntType a, size_t u, UIntType d, size_t s, UIntType b, size_t t, UIntType c, size_t l, UIntType f> basic_istream<charT,traits>& operator>> ( basic_istream<charT,traits>& is, mersenne_twister_engine<UIntType,w,n,m,r,a,u,d,s,b,t,c,l,f>& mte );
flag | error |
eofbit | The end of the source of characters is reached during its operations. |
failbit | The input obtained could not be interpreted as a valid textual representation of an object of this type. In this case, mte preserves the parameters and internal data it had before the call. Notice that some eofbit cases will also set failbit. |
badbit | An error other than the above happened. |